Enhancing Your In-House Development Team: When to Consider 3rd Party Application Support


In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying competitive often requires businesses to maintain a robust and agile approach to technology. In-house development teams play a crucial role in creating and maintaining custom software solutions tailored to meet specific organisational needs. However, there comes a point where augmenting your capabilities with 3rd party application support can be a strategic move. This blog post explores when and why you should consider extending your in-house development team with external support.

  1. Increased Workload and Tight Deadlines:

One of the first indicators that your in-house development team may need additional support is when the workload becomes overwhelming. Tight project deadlines, increasing feature requests, and the need for quick turnaround times can strain your team's capacity. In such cases, engaging a 3rd party application support provider can help alleviate the pressure and ensure timely project delivery.

  1. Expertise Gap:

Technological landscapes are constantly evolving, and it's challenging for an in-house team to stay abreast of every new development. When faced with a project that requires specialised skills or expertise outside your team's core competencies, partnering with a 3rd party provider can fill the knowledge gap. This ensures that your project benefits from the latest technologies and industry best practices.

  1. Cost-Efficiency:

While maintaining an in-house development team offers control and proximity, it can also be expensive. Recruiting, training, and retaining skilled professionals come with significant costs. In certain scenarios, opting for 3rd party application support can be more cost-effective. It allows you to access a pool of specialised talent without the long-term financial commitment associated with expanding your internal team.

  1. Focus on Core Competencies:

Every business has unique strengths and core competencies that drive its success. When your in-house team is stretched thin working on non-core activities like routine maintenance, bug fixing, or support, it can divert attention from strategic initiatives. Outsourcing application support enables your internal team to focus on mission-critical tasks, innovation, and business growth.

  1. Global Support and Accessibility:

Many businesses operate on a global scale, and having support available around the clock is essential. 3rd party application support providers often offer 24/7 support, ensuring that your applications are continuously monitored, maintained, and optimised. This accessibility can be especially valuable in industries where downtime can result in significant financial losses.

  1. Risk Mitigation:

Relying solely on an in-house team can be risky, especially if key team members leave unexpectedly or if there is a sudden surge in demand. It’s not uncommon that companies only discover their software is undocumented and unnecessarily complex when someone leaves. By incorporating external support, you spread the risk and ensure continuity in development efforts. Additionally, third-party providers often have robust backup plans and contingency measures to handle unforeseen circumstances.


In the dynamic world of software development, finding the right balance between in-house and external support is crucial. Recognising the signs that your in-house team may need additional help and strategically leveraging 3rd party application support can lead to enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and improved overall business performance. Ultimately, the key is to adapt to changing circumstances and choose a collaborative approach that aligns with your organisation's goals and objectives.

It's of course critical that companies choose the right partner if they decide to outsource some or all of their software development. To ensure that the benefits of outsourcing are realised, and that the potential downsides are minimised, it’s important to choose a partner that:

  • Is prepared to spend time understanding your business and your objectives.
  • Can provide resources that have the language proficiency and soft skills to collaborate effectively with your own teams.
  • Has protocols and technology in place to ensure the security of your data and IP

Evolved Ideas meets these important criteria and has years of experience in helping organisations develop and maintain their software estates.

Contact us now for a free discovery call and we can help you assess if you'd be suitable for external support.