How AI Helps Build Unique Custom User Experiences

How AI Helps Build Unique Custom User Experiences

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now an integral part of modern digitally transformed businesses. Today, we leverage AI technologies to boost efficiency, automate processes, optimize operations, and (of course) enhance user experiences (UX).

In this scenario, AI helps UX designers build more user-centric experiences. AI and its subset Machine Learning (ML) helps interpret user behaviour, automate analysis of interactions, and provide solutions to problems before they affect UX.

How Does AI Impact UX?

In many ways, intelligent algorithms and UX designers have similar functions. They gather user data, analyse interactions, and then attempt to predict human behaviour. It’s the same whether it’s shopping, a self-driving car, or a chatbot.

Recent advances in AI and ML have made it possible to use this technology to boost UXs. So, how can AI help develop custom or unique UXs? Let’s dive right in!

Every little thing we do online generates data. Even if you move away from a page, that too creates behavioural data. AI can analyse and interpret oceans of data; smart algorithms can learn just like us humans.

AI is a perfect tool for online businesses that use filtering, navigation, and search for product purchases, and more. For example, that’s how Amazon and Netflix make recommendations.

Algorithms can identify patterns in the data and create personalized UXs for each user or shopper. Whether it’s a user interface with their favourite colour or provide a chatbot that caters to their specific needs, you can now do all that with the power of AI.

Customer satisfaction is key to brand loyalty. In fact, research suggests that young people have high expectations when it comes to customer service, and they are willing to pay more for it.

If you’re a start-up, it’ll help to incorporate chatbots into your website to assist customers. This approach can be supported by human agents when issues escalate. As new businesses lack the resources to run their own customer support centre, chatbots can prove to be a tool that levels the field.

As AI doesn’t need a break or time off, you can easily provide 24/7 support without breaking the bank. You also don’t have to deal with HR headaches and overheads. So, whether you’re a corporation or a start-up, intelligent customer service is the cost-effective way forward.

Security and compliance can make things complicated pretty quickly. If you’re building a product for the world to use, you’ll need to keep a close eye on a variety of privacy rules, not just GDPR.

The good news is that AI can help you navigate this successfully without disrupting innovation. In this scenario, you can automate this process to keep up with the latest updates and so on. This approach helps businesses maintain security, compliance, and performance even if regulations keep changing all the time.

AI can influence UX by determining what content a particular user reads. This could be anything from blogs, emails, websites, and the duration they spent on each platform. You can use these insights to personalize promotional content, show suitable content when they land on your website, and more.

One particular AI innovation, facial recognition, to be precise, was adopted across applications to improve UX. However, it doesn’t stop there, as you can use the same technology to apply visual effects like filters, masks, shadows, and more to the images of human faces. The success of Snapchat probably owes a lot to this technology.

Intelligent algorithms also enable companies to provide omnichannel support. This means that it makes it easy for the user to find solutions through automated processes like websites or mobile apps.

When developers integrate AI into their mobile apps and websites, they help the end-user save time and effort. As users frequently switch between devices, the ability to make this a seamless experience while they are browsing or shopping is paramount.

The best approach here is to leverage AI and ML to consolidate all data from all devices from a registered account and preserve the personalization settings to provide seamless service across devices.

AI can help improve and take the standard of personal assistants to another level. For example, they can help online shoppers like a friend when they browse and make recommendations according to buyer personas.

However, it doesn’t have to be limited to e-commerce. Personal assistants can guide users through websites and apps, helping them learn or find pertinent information. This approach can help boost customer satisfaction and keep them coming back for more.

When you adopt AI, you’re almost always guaranteed to get a return on your investment. This is because automation leads to significant savings. Furthermore, with product recommendations and highly personalized engagements, you also have an opportunity to cross-sell, upsell, and increase profits.

The integration of AI into new and existing apps and websites is a wise investment. It could also play a vital role in ensuring business relevance in the years to come. But this doesn’t mean that AI will replace UX designers and take over the whole process.

Although AI development has accelerated considerably in recent years, we’re still in the early stages and have a very long way to go. While AI can learn from and mimic humans, it can’t think for itself.

As such, it’ll be highly inefficient when it comes to solving complex design issues without human intervention. So, UX designers have nothing to worry about as the ever-evolving capabilities of AI will only complement the work of UX designers and developers. However, their role might be slightly different in a decade or less.

Right now, AI helps complete mundane, repetitive tasks, learns from the data, and makes predictions. Whenever AI becomes capable of completing more complex tasks successfully, these algorithms may take UX design to a level we haven’t even imagined just yet.
